Several questions should be answered before an attempt is made to rejuvenate an old tree. It is easier to cut a peach tree down and plant a new tree. Peaches and nectarines are not recommended for renovation and are not considered here. Cherries also can be renovated, but to a lesser degree and with less success. Apple and pear trees are most easily renovated. The primary means of renovating older trees is through judicious and properly selected pruning cuts. In many cases, these old trees can be brought back to a more manageable state. These, too, if they have been neglected, are large and difficult to maintain. In other instances, people move into old farmhouses where trees were planted 30 or 40 years ago. If the owner did not properly care for the trees, the results are large, ungainly giants that are completely out of control and are an unsightly mess. Many people move to new homes where the previous owners had planted fruit trees.